{poetry friday: from tricia’s yoga class}

This is one of those times when I use the blog as more a repository of thoughts I wish to keep than an accounting of my days… but I will say I finished my latest WIP yesterday, and am in that liminal space of “is it reasonably good enough, or does it need to age a bit while I fiddle.” I’m playing the piano a lot and cleaning house while I figure it out. And Tricia’s helping, by sending me the poetry she hears in her apparently amazing yoga class. Here’s another one:


I wonder if the sun debates dawn

some mornings

not wanting to rise

out of bed

from under the down-feather horizon

if the sky grows tired

of being everywhere at once

adapting to the mood

swings of the weather

if clouds drift off

trying to hold themselves together

make deals with gravity

to loiter a little longer

I wonder if rain is scared

of falling

if it has trouble

letting go

if snowflakes get sick

of being perfect all the time

each one

trying to be one-of-a-kind

I wonder if stars wish

upon themselves before the die

if they need to teach their young

how to shine

I wonder if shadows long

to just-for-once feel the sun

if they get lost in the shuffle

not knowing where they’re from

I wonder if sunrise

and sunset

respect each other

even though they’ve never met

if volcanoes get stressed

if storms have regrets

if compost believes in life

after death

I wonder if breath ever thinks of suicide

if the wind just wants to sit

still sometimes

and watch the world pass by

if smoke was born

knowing how to rise

if rainbows get shy back stage

not sure if their colors match right

I wonder if lightning sets an alarm clock

to know when to crack

if rivers ever stop

and think of turning back

if streams meet the wrong sea

and their whole lives run off-track

I wonder if the snow

wants to be black

if the soil thinks she’s too dark

if butterflies want to cover up their marks

if rocks are self-conscious of their weight

if mountains are insecure of their strength

I wonder if waves get discouraged

crawling up the sand

only to be pulled back again

to where they began

Read the rest here.

~by Naima, Copyright © 2015 Climbing PoeTree, all rights reserved.

All that the earth has to do is …be.

In all of our striving and reaching, may we, too, take some time to breathe into who we are: humans, being.

Thanks to Carol Varsalona for hosting Poetry Friday at Beyond Literacy Link; click though for more poetry.

6 Replies to “{poetry friday: from tricia’s yoga class}”

  1. So yeah, I’m so far behind on blog reading it’s crazy. When Nitya (isn’t that such a typical yoga instructor name?) read the poem, I latched onto the line “I wonder if the snow wants to be black” and repeated it to myself over and over. I don’t think I heard the other poems, as I was so determined to remember that line so.

    There is so much to love about this poem. It’s one that I read and think, “I wish I had written that!” I’ve spent some time exploring the site. There is much there to love as well. Thank you for sending this poem out into the world even further. It deserves to be loved.

    1. @jama-j Oh, darlin’, no. No, you don’t wish that. But, you’re lovely to think so!!

      Yeah, wouldn’t you love to hear poetry in a yoga class!? It would be a beautiful distraction from the fact that I can’t breathe in most of the poses…

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