{thanksful: 29 – idle hands}

I am not a good crafter. I am the slowest seamstress; I am a terrible knitter. I cannot remember from one moment to the next how to cast off. And let’s not start talking about crochet… I’ve managed to make a chain. Repeatedly. At least I’ve finished multiple projects knitting – though they are lumpy with dropped stitches. I am not proud to admit that I prefer knitting with wool, because if it’s really ugly and you can’t frog it, you can felt it…

Lynedoch Crescent D 357

Suffice it to say that I’ll never be one of those people for whom handiwork is automatic; I didn’t learn to do any of these crafts until I was an adult. But, I love that I have a full bin of yarn and umpteen unfinished projects going anyway.

My mother had a saying, about owed money: as long as you owe me, I’ll never be broke. I kind of have this same feel about my knitting projects: as long as they’re started, I’ll never be finished, right? I’ll always have something to warm my lap, to fiddle with on flights, to help me distance people’s speaking that I don’t want to hear. (Full disclosure: I knit during sermons I dislike. Do with that as you will. Mind, I don’t often knit in church, but it keeps me serene when I feel like arguing with speakers… because it’s actually a challenge for me to formulate sentences when I’m knitting, unless I’m just doing straight knits, no counting or purling…). As long as I have a bin full of projects, my hands will never be the devil’s workshop.