{thanksful: 21 – new}

When we moved back to the US, everyone was very kind and helped us get set up into housekeeping — after five years away, we’d sold our house, sold our cars, and had to start over. This meant that we got a lot of hand-me-downs… not mad about that; my whole life as youngest of the first group of sibs meant I had everyone’s old everythings… but there’s something to be said for deciding – finally – that the sewing machine your mother gave you, the one she made your wedding suit with – can go by the wayside, and you can buy a new one with a computer in it, because it’s about what your Mom paid for her old one sometime in 1979.

It’s indecent to be this excited about a sewing machine. But, I am. Today has not been a good day in the news cycle, so I am grateful for One Good Thing. And looking forward to taking it out of the box.

Hope is a thing with stitches.