Just a Brief Note

I like this picture because it’s a moment in between. In between buildings. In between showers — believe it or not, it was a rainy day — and in between Winter and Spring. Who knows, it might have also been taken on a Wednesday — right in the in-between of the beginning of the week, and the end…

This morning was sunny and breezy, and by nine a.m., hail was spattering against the window. It is downright freezing, and tomorrow’s forecast is for wind and snow! Aren’t you glad you live in a place of such loveliness as your own hometown? I can’t believe I’m going out to a castle next Friday, and I’m going to be MOVING in two and a half weeks, and the weather is still so hard to predict. I wonder where I’ll get soaked/frozen/blown the worst?!

When I first came to Scotland, I laughed that people talked about the weather so much. Now I know why.

Yesterday I posted at Finding Wonderland — check me out as I out myself as a full on geek yet again, this time over the books of Belfast-born writer, James White. Colleen at Chasing Ray has the full line-up of all the “neighbors” in the kidlitosphere who shared books.

Sara Lewis Holmes has a great heart, and is quick at putting to use great ideas. Today Saturday– until midnight EST, if you go and comment on her blog at THIS POST, in response to the Library Loving challenge given her by a friend, she will donate a dollar to the Flying Horse Farms library wishlist, to buy a horse book for the kids with serious illnesses who enjoy time at the farm! Of course, it can’t be any old comment — you need to say something to the kids. Say something positive about reading, about horses, about your wishes and hopes for their camp experience. It doesn’t have to be long. Go on, now. I’ll wait.

You’re back? Great.

Everybody and his little dog too has pointed out the trailer for Where the Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak, screenwritten by the entertaining Dave Eggers. Now, there’s a t-shirt at Threadless that I love which says, Movies: Ruining the Book Since 1920, and by and large I TOTALLY subscribe to that point of view, especially with books for children and young adults. But so many people are so excited about this new film, and so I will zip closed my mouth and suspend judgment until… Dave Eggers’ totally overwrought screenplay totally ruins the book for everyone forever. Or, um, something like that.

You know I’m kidding, right?

Oh, all right, ALL RIGHT. I’ll close with something nice: Every year the Chicago Tribune has a MOST entertaining competition to make Peep dioramas. Check out the top ten. The winners will be announced right around Easter. There’s been so much bad, sad news about newspapers this week that I’m really grateful that the Tribune has kept the tradition alive.