A Grab Bag of Links for a Blustery Monday

Happy Monday. March allegedly comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb… can I vote for the lamb part to start earlier?? The time hasn’t changed yet in the UK, but the weather has just gone completely nuts. I’ve never seen snow come with lightning and thunder. That was really, really weird! It’s good to be indoors and warm and dry.

Hey, have you heard about Diamonds in the Sky, the astronomy science fiction anthology put together by a bunch of writers? It’s for use in the classroom, and though I only recognize the name of Alma Alexander as a contributor — she of the Worldweavers fame — and Mary Robinette Kowal, I am enthused about this idea. All of the “what ifs” in this book are based in solid science, and the anthology was made possible by the National Science Foundation. Very cool.

Share a Story – Shape a Future — a celebration of reading, and a place to find ideas for how to incorporate story and books into everyone’s everyday life — starts today. Click through for the full schedule.

Other writers and illustrators have found interesting and creative ways to share the love — Grace Lin has a gorgeous new piece up for the Small Graces auction this month, for which the proceeds go to the non-profit Foundation of Children’s Books, and Justina Chen Headley has made her own video for the Finding Beauty Challenge. For every video about true beauty, Justina will donate $10–up to $1,000–to help children in third-world countries born with cleft lips and palates.

Via Betsy at Fuse#8, I have found the next Procrastination Adventure. It comes from Facebook, as all things seem to, and it’s that “create your own album cover” note thing, except it’s better …it’s Create Your Own Fantasy Novel Cover. This is, of course, so bad it’s good. Check out 100 Scope Notes, and then play along. I actually love the first one he posted in his gallery, by Percival Henry Dillon. First: Percival. I love that so much! Second: Butterfly ships! This book must be written!

Carrie Jones is going to be at the Tollbooth this week, but before she gets started on her official topic, she’s talking about the writer’s role in giving young adults hope — vs. giving them the truth. How do we write about suffering? “As writers, how do we show the hellmouth of the world, what Nietzsche called the ‘innumerable shouts of pleasure and woe” without pushing teens and children into despair?” Yes, she did just throw out Buffy along with Nietzsche.

As always, I love what Carrie has to say, and am both inspired to be as truthful as she is, and haunted by the truth I want to tell. To me, it’s a question not of if some things need to be told, but how… and if I have the courage.

Suddenly, I feel the need to get writing…. Ciao for now.