{poetry friday: macaroni}

New Lanark T 24

It always amuses me that whenever my Scottish friends speak of pies, they invariably mean… that which I do not mean at all. Say “pie” and they’ll say chicken-and-leek. Eel. Steak-and-kidney. Mince. Mutton, or something else in Scotch pie. Sweet pies are… um, puddings? So, it gets to be a little confusing.

In view of the fact that today is apparently National Mac & Cheese Day I will raise a …mug to Macaroni Pie. It’s better with fresh peas than baked beans from a tin, to be sure, but it’s one of those ubiquitous quick meal I had when out and about, visiting castles and historical places. I’ve never tried to make one – I truly can’t see the point of adding pastry to pasta when there are perfectly good pumpkins and peaches just sitting around – but macaroni pie was good fuel for a long day of walking in cold climes, so here’s to it.

Dodgy Dinners

When cravings for a piece of pie
Meet diet’s parsimony,
Forget the peach – your fork apply
To tasty macaroni!

A hand-pie makes a lot of sense:
Food without ceremony –
(And, in a pinch, it’s self-defense
And lessens acrimony).

Take my advice and make this meal
With peas and pepperoni,
Complete with pastry’s flaked appeal
A pie of macaroni.

This is a DREADFUL POEM of the worst sort of drivel and I’m well aware of that, but I’m also packing to move, so it is what it is. ☺ The rest of the ACTUAL poetry-ites are over at Tabatha’s blog today.

6 Replies to “{poetry friday: macaroni}”

    1. As I absolutely loathe pastry, that’s not true for me. It truly is an old fave for a lot of people, but I would not eat mac pie unless -as was often the case – the other vegetarian options were lacking.

  1. Macaroni PIE? For real?? I guess I have to believe it since there’s photographic evidence! But…ugh.

    As for your poem, you totally get points for rhyming parsimony, acrimony, pepperoni and macaroni…and making sense of it all!

    Fingers crossed that a move means a job, wondering which side of the pond, sending more excitement and less stress for the adjustment to newness.

    1. @ MaryLee: Yes, thank you – finally Tech Boy has a job offer that will work. Still in Cali — this time –! Someday soon, the move will be back out of the country, but we’re giving ourselves another five years or so before we make the BIG jump… but we hope for that someday soon, too…!

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