
Pizza of Awesome 2

The Pizza of Awesome

If I had just set it in my mind that I’d be visiting my family all summer long, I’d probably have been a bit calmer with the delays and disappointments of the season thus far — but as it stands, I’ve been impatient, which has just gifted me with a whole lot of crazy.

I’ve revised that frame of mind, and am resigned determined to spend the rest of my time here in good temper before we move. To that end, I sat and let my little sister play aesthetician with me for FOUR HOURS. I’m talking the entire package (Then I forgot about it, and went grocery shopping. THAT was kind of hilarious, as I’m not one for blue eyeliner and bronze shadow, but …hey. I am loving my black manicure/pedicure as well. But the red, purple and blue extensions had to go. I love my sister, but her fashion sense is also fourteen years old). I made four lovely trial run chocolate and coconut pies with my mom and aunt for their entries in a pie auction which won’t happen for months, and I made an impromptu bunch of pizzas and calzones with my friend Bean for supper one night last week. (Next time I will roll out the dough instead of just faux tossing it around as if I were Italian.)

It’s Laurie Halse Anderson’s fifth annual WFMAD this week – and I’m committing to Write Fifteen Minutes A Day all month. I have a lovely editorial call tomorrow… and will delve into revising my mystery and making it grittier and darker. I’ve been reading adult mysteries all month like mad, so here’s hoping this time will work.

If you’re not a novelist, those fifteen minutes can still loosen up a bit of real estate in your brain, help you feel more connected and less fuzzy about the tasks you have to do and allow you to reform and clarify your thoughts. Try 750 Words for a space to use those fifteen minutes.

Wring out the last droplets of juice from these long, warm days. I’m going to continue to enjoy the heck out of these last few days of summer, and find the joy. I hope you do, too.

Pizza of Awesome 3


2 Replies to “{arrrghust…}”

  1. I hope we all enjoy these last days of summer. I feel like it just started, but that’s how it is in this neck of the woods.

    Blue eyeliner!

    I just had to exclaim about that.

  2. Mmmmm, chocolate pies, coconut pies, pizza pies. I can get behind that.

    But what I really want is a picture of the re-done you — hair extensions, black nails and all :).

    Stay cool — and calm. Happy revising!

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