“…my home, sweet home.”

Loma Linda 3

Hearing God Bless America echoing this morning from the graveside service up the hill made me a little teary-eyed. While we’re being low-key today, having sort of exhausted our people-being-with skills, I’m still aware that my country is 263 years old today. (Meanwhile, the British, with amused smiles, say, “Awww! You’re almost a big country now!”)

I miss my friend Charlotte and her family most of all on the 4th of July, because with them in 2010 I had one of the most awesome holidays, ever, and it still stands out in my memory – fireflies, parades, corn on the cob, lemon cake – a perfect distillation of every childhood summer I ever wanted. This time, there’s peach crumble, iced tea, and burritos.

Hope you’re having a perfect summer’s day, wherever you are, celebrating the Constitution, a working government, even if we’re not always so keen on how it works, and having a union in which to be the United States.

Reche Canyon 112

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