{national poetry month: we ring out the days}


time obscures the glow:
but, clear-voiced, sings the day. We
keep our hearts in tune.

Napa County 64

In Roman times, “prime” was when the bell rang in the forum, that’s when the first hour began. Six a.m. was prime. Ironic, isn’t it, that to most Americans, “primetime” follows the Nielsen rationale, which is that it’s between 8 – 11 p.m. (or, more specifically, 9:15 – 10:45, according to Nielsen). Honestly? I prefer the original prime. I hope you didn’t miss Mary Lee’s utterly lovely poem about it.

Thirty days goes by just. like. that. May was a quick month, filled with so much detail. I enjoyed sharing it with you and reading Mary Lee’s original poems at A YEAR OF READING, collecting nonfiction and poetry collections from Tricia’s THE MISS RUMPHIUS EFFECT, reading Laura’s Riddleku’s and Liz’s yearly foray into haiku.

And now, back to prose.

{nat’l poetry month: loch}

Highlands 2008 415

o, waly, waly*

depthless black water
hides peat, eels, some surmise caves –
Niseag plays Find Me

*There is an English tune which is also known as “The Water is Wide.” And, aye, this water is. Loch Ness is twenty-six miles long, over a mile and a half wide, and, depending who you ask, between seven and nine hundred feet deep. Concrete facts:

♦ Loch Ness is the largest body of fresh water in Britain.

♦ There is more water in Loch Ness than all the other lakes in England, Scotland and Wales put together.

♦ It holds 263 thousand million cubic feet of water which is around 16 million 430 thousand million gallons of water with a surface area of 14000 acres (this acreage could hold the population of the world 10 times over).

♦ It is fed by 7 major rivers the Oich, Tarff, Enrich, Coiltie, Moriston, Foyers and Farigaig plus numerous burns, with only one outlet the River Ness which flows 7 miles through Inverness into the Moray Firth 52 feet below the loch surface.

♦ It never freezes. Because of the great amount of water in the loch a thermocline lies at around 100 feet down in the loch.The top 100 feet of water alters temperature depending on the weather conditions but below the thermocline the temperature never alters from 44 degrees Fahrenheit. So as the surface water cools in winter and nears freezing point it sinks and is replaced by the warmer water from below. This can cause the loch to steam on very cold days, in fact it as been estimated that the heat given off by the loch in a winter is the equivalent to burning 2 million tons of coal.

♦ Niseag, is, of course “Nessie” in Scots Gaelic.

{nat’l poetry month: poetry friday bonus}

2014 Benicia 004

Not really warm enough to eat outside yet, no matter how sunny it looks.

flirtation al fresco

relish the rustle –
crisp linen slides. Barely brushed
silken skin shivers

Crockett 14 HDR

stored up
perhaps moth and rust
are the least of concerns, on
hills made for rolling

Crockett 47 HDR


past orderly lines
and outside of boundaries
the wind entices

{this is a re-post, for a very important reason}

We interrupt this Poetry Month Haiku Fest for a blog repost.

I shared some truths about myself in 2011 when I posted about YA author Robison Wells, author of VARIANT. (That blog post is reposted below.) He had just shared publicly about his mental illnesses, and losing his day job because of his panic disorder causing an inability to sometimes leave a room, and I was feeling the horrible empathy of a fellow sufferer, having been frozen in myself one time too many.

I have thought of him often since then, thought of his courage in “outing” himself, thought of the raw grit it must take to be an artist trying to create while also trying to be, you know, okay with leaving the house (sometimes, it’s not okay, and that’s really all there is to it. Trust me on that one). I wanted to say something to him – but could think of nothing which didn’t sound weird or stalker-y, so when I read on Shannon Hale’s blog that a group of writers have gotten together an anthology to help support his family in their time of needing help, my immediate thought was, “I’m in.”

The anthology is SUPER COOL to fangeeks and to writers — because you just never know how different a novel is before it comes to publication. A lot of the pieces in this anthology are novels which were finished – but for which editors asked for plot changes which, in the end, created almost wholly new finished products. I’ll look forward to reading the original beginning for DISCOUNT ARMAGEDDON – the published one is weird and funny enough. Shannon Hale’s short story is totally original – but very different from her usual style of writing. This anthology gives you a little peep of the behind-the-scenes of the way author’s brains work.

And, the people involved in this project are some of my ALL-TIME favorites, and many of them will be familiar to you for speculative fiction for adults and teens: Seanan McGuire, Shannon Hale, Kierstan White, Dan Wells, Brandon Mull, Aprilynne Pike, Brandon Sanderson, Mary Robinette Kowal, Lauren Oliver, Sara Zarr, Jessica Day George, and tons more. The Indiegogo Page for this book is right here. Click through. Buy an ebook. Buy a hardback book. Buy a manuscript critique from one of the authors involved. Buy something you hate getting blown up. There are all sorts of ways to be involved and helpful. There are all sorts of ways to honor the courage it takes to accept help, and to be kind.

That’s all I wanted to say. Thank you.

Finnieston 191

One fine, sunny morning in college, I got lost.

I got lost on the campus of my college, that fine, sunny morning, and as I was one of the vast hordes of Freshers running around that year, maybe it didn’t seem that unusual to anyone. That it was months into the school year – nearly May – should have been a telling point, but no one noticed.

I was climbing one of those long flights of stairs and I, mid-step, was lost.

And I couldn’t breathe. And my hands were slick, and the sky wheeled in sickening loops around me. And I wanted to get away from it – from beneath it – but it was so huge suddenly, and there was nowhere to escape it. Every surface looked pitiless and hard, every building foreign, and I just knew that awful was three millimeters from happening to me. People walked by, I guess, but I was gripping onto a light post with all of my strength, and trying to stop the world from spinning out of control. And trying to breathe.

It was a profound experience, which is laminated in memory. The flight of stairs from the gym to the building below the library – some technology hub – to the three flights of stairs near the flowering cherry trees was all I could see. Going up those stairs would have put me in line of sight to the asphalt-paved road that led to the parking lot next to the English building, and my dorm. Five hundred feet, and I would have been able to see my way to safety. But, I couldn’t move that far. I slid down to the ground gripping the light post, and hyperventilated.

Eventually, I managed to get up. I was going to ask someone if they knew where I was, when suddenly, at the entrance to the library, the landscape snapped into familiarity. I was able to inflate my compressed lungs, and stop panting, straighten up, and walk stiffly – my hair and back soaked from perspiration – to my dorm.

I remember I was so ashamed. So, so mortified. And felt really, really stupid.

Sooo, I never told anyone.

I mean, would you?

Charing Cross 344

It happened again. And again. And it happened at the American Library Association Annual Convention in D.C. in 2010 where I was being honored for MARE’S WAR, and I had to walk out of a room full of authors getting ready to go on and do presentations for this Speed Dating thing. I was soaked with sweat, and trying to breathe, and thinking, “Everyone knows. Everyone here is A Cool Author who Does Stuff and Knows Stuff, and then there’s you. Everyone knows, and you are such a fraud.”

Sooo, when I read of Robison Wells, Cybil-nominated author of VARIANT, losing his day-job because of a panic attack, and being just unable to do what was required of him, I teared up immediately over his struggles. Been there, done that, have the t-shirt. It’s thin and tattered and usually rank with sweat.

Sometimes, I feel so flawed. I think, “Gah! Isn’t it enough that I’m introverted and shy? Did I have to be flat-out mental (our Ms. G‘s word), too? I don’t always have an answer for that. I’ll be honest: I don’t come off as Sunny Suzy after freaking out. It’s something I can’t control, and I really prefer to, honestly, control everything. But, I do know this: I have seen the world from the point of view of someone broken. When I am at the top of my game, and you are at the bottom of yours, I’ll know how it feels. I will understand, and be kind. I will consider the courage of Rob Wells, and when I am wrecked, I will remember, “Yes, but –” and, once the clouds of doom part, go on.

It’s a tiny gift, but one I will hold onto, and not let anyone pry from my death-gripping, sweaty hands.

For the thorn, and for the rose. For the grace of courage, and the gift of empathy, I am truly thankful.

Kelvingrove Park 393