
In the field next door, the curly-horned sheep are meandering about on the grass, noshing. Here we have a weekend morning for leisurely grazing, so a happy bundle of links for you:

  • PINK: it is all in your mind. No, not the singer, the color. Pink is apparently soon no longer going to exist… Rather like Pluto, which brings to mind David Elzey’s impassioned poem arguing for its return.
  • Meanwhile, mental_floss reveals seven children’s books written in response to others – I had NO idea that there was a book called The Trueax. You can read it. Also had no idea that the bedtime book listed in the end had a non-sarcastic counterpart…
  • Mo Willems has raised Gerald & Piggie’s conversations to a level of stunning depth. In, WE’RE IN A BOOK! the conversation turns to death. Because, all books end…
  • Stirling 219

  • I have been impressed with fellow writer/blogger Mitali reading through forty days of YA/children’s books for Lent this year. She’s stretching her brain in all kinds of new directions. Recently she read G. Neri’s book, YUMMY and linked to the incredibly sad and violent life of Robert “Yummy” Sandifer in the TIME magazine. He was eleven – and both lived and died by the sword. Which brought to mind…
  • Atlantic senior editor Ta-Nehisi Coates’ brilliant and focused piece of journalism on the life and death of Andrew Breitbart. This doesn’t come under the heading of children’s literature EXCEPT in that I believe strongly that there is an early reader novel in the life of Shirley Sherrod. Coates’ last sentence pounds a self-reflective nail right into my head – boom.
  • And, last one: I’m a bit flabbergasted that fellow blogger Doret (THE HAPPY NAPPY BOOKSELLER, COLOR ONLINE) has asked to interview me for the next Blog Blast Tour! I have been interviewed twice by by bestie, Jules, and SEVEN IMPOSSIBLE THINGS BEFORE BREAKFAST, and by my darling “James” at JAMA RATTIGAN’S ALPHABET SOUP, and by numerous sixth graders, but never has anyone asked for my participation in a blog blast tour, except as interviewer. Kewl. Although, I am now suffering a teensy bit of panic, brought on by Mark Twain’s unpublished interview he did for McCall’s – which he retracted and refused to approve, because he feared he sounded better talking in his sleep. Oy.

The young miss in the photograph is a random young woman of Stirlingshire, out enjoying the above-fifty degree temperatures of early Spring, and airing out her fuzzy furry boa. She begged for her picture to be taken, so as one might say here in Scotland, “Right, then, enjoy your five minutes of fame, hen.”