The Sticker Has Landed

HUZZAH! The sticker at last. At least, it’s landed on this side of the Atlantic. The CSK sticker shows up on Amazon even in the UK.

This is a better spot than where it was right after the ALA press conference – on the left, halfway on Mare’s helmet. I’d hate to be the person who has to decide where all of the stickers go when the awards are over… but I think this works.

And now, I must tell you a funny: you see how on the cover of the book, my name has no capital letters? In the ALA news release, my name had… no capital letters. And I’ve started to see my name showing up in people’s reviews and blogs and on the ALA website… with no capital letters.

I am now apparently related to e.e. cummings, thanks to the book designers for MARE’S WAR.


To be honest, I don’t care, I just think it’s funny that people are writing my name in a way I haven’t since about the 8th grade. But – whatever. They’re writing my name. I’ll take it.

16 Replies to “The Sticker Has Landed”

  1. Tanita: I haven't heard otherwise. It brings up the idea of just how much fun one could have with stickers.

    Snh, snh, snh.
    (And I really need to read that book.)

  2. Elle: Sadly, *I* don't have the stickers to give out – since they're awarded by the American Library Association, it's a librarian thing, and they have to buy them to put them on the books in their libraries. I don't really know how all that works, but if I get my hands on the stickers, I'll let you know!

  3. Congrats again on the award…and the sticker look just fine between the two girls. Any way you can send a sticker for my copy…once it is returned to me. At the moment it is making the rounds of my family…lot's of "me next" and it's a big family.
    Neat about the lower case thing. Having a distinctive name is always a plus in the publishing game, so no snickering, 'kay? Well maybe now and then 🙂

  4. Charlotte: I still have seen no pictures of my book on bookshelves, can you believe that? When I was home at Christmas I actually (SHHHH!) …forgot to look.

    Amazon UK carries it now, though.

    Sara: lowercase me got a giftie certificate from D…. and the boot search continues apace!

    CK: Exactly. Talitha is JUST THAT ATTITUDINAL. This is why we like her.

    Tricia: I thought it was a typo until it kept turning up, and someone finally called and ASKED. CALLED. The United Kingdom. On the phone.

    She really wanted to know and not cause offense. Which is just really, really sweet.

  5. I noticed your name in the ALA newsbrief and thought it was a typo. Interesting turn of events… Maybe when your next book wears a shiny new sticker your name will be in caps on that cover!

  6. That is SWEET, tanita in the lower case. I wish my copy of Mare's War had a sticker!

    Tali looks a little like she's suspicious of it, or like she's thinking, "Whatever, I knew it was good before the sticker!"

  7. *applauds placement of sticker* Hurray!!

    P.S. Now that you have a trendy alter ego, i.e. "lower case you," I should think you will have to buy her the appropriate boots.

  8. The sticker looks great- it looks to me like a highway/bridge/tunnelly thing, very suitable for a roadtrip book! (I shall keep an eye out for it in real life–I see it on the shelves of RI bookstores not infrequently)

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