Born, Married, Buried — and Honored.

They call her The Grey Lady, because the New York times is pretty much grey/gray – not much with the colored newsprint or tons of pictures, except for the front page, and maybe the society pages, and even then, it’s still pretty restrained in comparison to other papers.

In the past, a lady wasn’t meant to appear in the newspaper, except when she was born, married and buried. Anything else, and she was flirting with becoming notorious. Well, not quite notorious yet — I think if you get into the paper because you’re being congratulated, you get a freebie from the Emily Post society.

Tanita NYT 3

Tanita NYT 2a

Thank you, Editor E!

25 Replies to “Born, Married, Buried — and Honored.”

  1. CONGRATULATIONS, Tanita! That's an AWESOME accomplishment! Whoo-Hoo! And that your listing is NOT small by any means. . . . Looking forward to reading this book soon!

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