The NAACP, Kekla, and …me. (::shock)

San Jose 10
Welcome to 2010! Climb aboard – it’s gonna be an interesting ride.

If you’re like most people, and especially if you’re an African American person, the NAACP is just one of those things you maybe don’t really think about, like trees. They’re nice. They’re shady. They just… are. You didn’t plant them, and you don’t chop them down. They do their thing, and you do yours.

And, most Februaries, people pay a little more attention, during Black History Month, and give a bit of a nod to this grass-roots organization, which came together in 1909, and decided that they would be responsible for encouraging and exhorting and protecting African American people. Interestingly, the first group meeting was in response to lynchings and a race riot in 1908… and included many Caucasian people.

Didn’t know that, didja?

Well, I didn’t, anyway. Remember that tree thing? Yeah. Trees. Just doing their thing while I did mine. The NAACP, I thought, was always this great organization that fought for the rights of all people to be considered free, be able to vote, and be equally protected under the law — Amendment guaranteed rights for all Americans — and they made statements in the press, and had lots of dinners that got shown on TV or something, and …that was about all I knew.

Finding out that I’ve been nominated for a NAACP Image Award was beyond startling. I got a note from Carol Rasco, the CEO of Reading Is Fundamental, congratulating me… and I just sat there and said, “Huh???!” and went and checked the website.


You know who else is there??? KEKLA MAGOON! for The Rock and the River!!!!!! Though we haven’t met, I’ve enjoyed reading her thoughts at Chasing Ray’s What A Girl Wants literary series. I have heard SUCH AMAZING THINGS about that book, and now that I’m here in the U.S., that’s a quick reminder to PICK IT UP.

I’m not sure what to think of this nomination — whomever is responsible for it, I’m grateful — but still shocked. So very, very shocked. An image award nomination? Seriously? Me??

I’ll have to think about this. But congratulations, Kekla!! I can totally see the rightness of this nomination for you!

40 Replies to “The NAACP, Kekla, and …me. (::shock)”

  1. I agree with what Sara said. I know I congratulated you on this elsewhere, but wanted to comment here as well. (As I was looking to comment/congratulate you here on your Coretta Scott King honor – I am so happy for you! I cried many tears of joy.)

  2. Thanks, everyone!
    Miss Attitude: Ditto. I kind of feel like we should have all known MORE about the literature side of this award, rather than knowing that it's usually movie stars with gold sequins on, you know what I'm saying? I am grateful to be nominated, and hope that the people who WIN awards do more to get people talking about literature and books written for kids by people of color.

  3. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I always watch the NAACP Image Awards (although the books are rarely on the show but they do sometimes flash the winners by) It'll be so fun to go to I'm sure and Mare's War definitely deserves it! I need to read The Rock & The River now.

    I like how you describe the NAACP. I completely agree, it just IS. And i have a like-dislike relationship with them

  4. Such a HUGE WOWEE!! And well deserved like nobody's business. If you don't get to go to the ceremony (at least to observe…for writing purposes…) I'll be highly disappointed.

  5. I'm thrilled. This is great news. I really, really hope that being nominated for awards and booklists of note mean that publishers will take note and say, "Hey, we need to publish more of Tanita S. Davis' work." I'm crossing my fingers for a SFF book. 🙂

  6. I'm afraid this requires all caps: SO FRICKIN' COOOOOOOL! SUH-WEET! EXCELLENT! BRAVA! HOORAY! The book (and its author) is hella deserving.

    So proud of you. 🙂

  7. By the way, I haven't had a chance since the holidays to tell you this and in my excitement over your nomination I forgot to include this tidbit when I wrote you the congrats email. My sister read Mare's War just before Christmas and her words to me as I arrived home for the holidays were "Carol, did you see Mid (our grandmother) and Aunt Toto (our great aunt) combined in Mare?" I started laughing SO hard—-that is EXACTLY what I had written in my blog when I wrote about Mare…but knew my sister doesn't have time at the moment to read the blog with two jobs, working on a PhD and the new grandmother of twins. I showed it to her and then she had a good laugh. Continue to give Mare to friends and all love it!

  8. Wow wow wow!! SO happy for you, Tanita. Yes, as everyone else has already said, so well deserved. MARE'S WAR is absolutely brilliant. I've been rereading it this week and my jaw keeps dropping at its awesomeness. Congratulations big time!

    P.S. This honor deserves maybe 100 pairs of boots :).

  9. Yay!! We are rocking and rolling! This post totally made my day, lady. 🙂 I'm looking forward to reading your book, as well. It's been on my list for a while since I've heard so many great things about it, long before this week!

  10. That's SO exciting! And totally deserved…Mare's War was absolutely fantastic and one I've recommended probably 20 times since I finished it a couple of months ago. Congrats!

  11. Oh, you're right for this. Righter than right. Mare's War is an amazing book. You are a wonderful writer. Believe it.

    Do you get to GO to the awards ceremony???

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