
What can I learn from you – In your lifetime,
What you’ve been through?
How’d you keep your head up and hold your pride
In an insane world, how’d you keep on trying?

One life can tell the tale – that if you make the effort
You cannot fail.
By your life you tell me it can be done,
By your lives, the courage to carry on.

What can I learn from you?
That I can do the thing I think I cannot do.
That you do what’s right by your heart and soul,
It’s the imperfections that make us whole.

– Anne Reed, Heroes

This beats “Wind Beneath My Wings” by a hundred miles or so, doesn’t it?

I don’t know where I found this poem, or fragment of song — it was sitting in an unfinished blog post from last year. But the words still strike me, as they must have when I copied them, and I give silent tribute to the many, marvelous people the words bring to mind.

One life can tell the tale… if you make the effort you cannot fail.

Go forth and do the thing you think you cannot do.

6 Replies to “{Tribute}”

  1. Oh I love this! This is going in my packet of poems to share with my incarcerated poets. I’m always looking for poems to help them see that

    One life can tell the tale – that if you make the effort
    You cannot fail.

    Thank yo.

  2. Tanita: exactly what I need to remind myself every day.

    If I make the effort, I cannot fail.

    I can do the thing I think I cannot do.

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