I Hate Moving

…It means all of your books are out of reach.

It means all of your CD’s are taped up, and that you can’t really justify flopping down in the middle of everything and reading the old Boyds Mills Press catalog you just found, wondering if there’s anything in there you absolutely need (and wondering if anyone has read/reviewed Miss Crandall’s School for Young Ladies & Little Misses of Color and if anyone has ever heard of such an amusing and cute title). It means there’s either sitting at your computer and working, or taping boxes together and wrapping your collection of pseudo-antique teacups (all mismatched, all $.25 at a pseudo-antique shop) and working that way. No in-between. You have a week and a half and who cares if you’re not motivated to do either job and really want to play Lexulous on Facebook and do your nails?

Moving means you have to work. With a deadline.

You’d think a writer would be used to that.

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