{thanksfully 3.0 ♦ before I forget}

The title of the post is taken from the title of the new book out which talks about home stylist B. Smith’s Alzheimer’s… a head injury which produced amnesia (much less romantically – or frequently – than it occurs in novels), Alzheimer’s Disease or senile dementia – these things were once what I feared the most in the world, because who am I without my brain? Without knowing ALL the things? But, watching my grandmother fade from the person I knew into someone with whom I was unfamiliar, hearing my friend S. tell me she doesn’t remember my name each week, but seeing her smile and shrug – and knowing that my assuring her that I remember my name is enough – I realize now that losing my memories doesn’t have to be the end of everything.

Vacaville 162

All around me are people who have, in their minds, lost out on things. Missed opportunities – I should have a better job now, lost out on relationships, lost out, lost. And I was thinking the other day how much happier I was than most people, because I could be truly contented at the privilege of reading in bed all afternoon. I don’t feel like I’ve lost anything, not really. I wish I’d had more of a social life in high school and college. I wish I’d traveled more than I have. I wish I were a better artist. But… that’s about it for regrets. And, those are fleeting. Fixable, mostly.

My word, I am as lucky as heck.

So, before I forget to mention it, thank you, world, for this morning. Thank you for how clear the sky was. Thank you for all the words in all the books that I can still read. Thank you that I get another chance.

While there’s life, there’s time. I haven’t lost anything.

4 Replies to “{thanksfully 3.0 ♦ before I forget}”

      1. Oh, I love that Our Town quote, which also says it beautifully, as did your post. Remember what the Stage Manager says to Emily after she asks if anyone realizes it?

        “The saints and poets, maybe. They do, some.”

        Thanksfully yours,

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