{nat’l poetry month: “Dear Ursula,” by Melissa May}

I was so touched and disturbed by the last poem from “Button Poetry” that I looked them up to see who the heck they are. Man, was I impressed.

I can’t do “spoken word” anything – I would either vomit or burst into tears on stage, and ranting whilst sobbing or spewing is just not anyone’s idea of a good time. Maybe. But, I am so — so overwhelmed by the talent and articulation of these two women, and the rest of the poets, male and female, who take their courage in their hands and stand up and speak. This time, we’re speaking truth to power. You may have not loved Urula the Sea Witch. You may have been forced to BE her, every time the kids played “Little Mermaid” — but she existed as she was – kind of amazing, with that eye-shadow, with that power. There was no other Disney broad like her. Will there ever be again?

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