{thanksfully 2.0: at Bath}

Probably only makes sense to be thankful for cold water one day, and then hot the next.

Angel Building 127

Some of the best bathtubs in the world exist in Scotland. I meant to take a picture of the one I used for the last fortnight, but I only ever had a book and a water bottle and candles in that one – never a camera, oddly enough. This tub was in our second flat in Glasgow, on Kent Road, and remains one of my favorites…

Enough hot water to warm us, cleanse us, and to float our cares away, by returning us to an imaginary womb. Is that why I love baths so much? Or, because it was the only time I could lock the door and ignore my siblings? Who knows. All I know is that the perfect day always ends with being immersed.

And for this, I give thanks.

3 Replies to “{thanksfully 2.0: at Bath}”

  1. Of course, the lovely Dinesen quote pops into my mind: ‘The cure for anything is salt water – tears, sweat, or the sea.’ And as I add plenty of Epsom salts to my bath, I fully count it as a cure.

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