
Step 1: Visit the EDGAR AWARD website.

Step 2: Input your search years.

Winners for All Categories for All Years

Year Award Category Title Author’s Name Publisher/Producer Notes
 2013  Best Young Adult  Code Name Verity  Elizabeth Wein  Disney Publishing Worldwide – Hyperion  

Step 3: Happy Dance.

YES!!!!! It’s CODE NAME VERITY, a book I felt was definitely bound for greater things than a mere however-many-week run on the NYT bestseller list. I was slightly disappointed that it wasn’t THE ALA winner on tons of lists, but Honors are quite a happy thing as well — and enough to ensure that Liz will be still book-talking this book for library groups four years from now, when she’ll have to reread it to refresh her memory on what she’s supposed to be talking about… And now this, the one award she thought was a “long-shot, but I’m going to the award dinner anyway, because what are the chances I’ll get asked to do that again?” Yeah. She said that.

“Long shot” my foot.

CONGRATULATIONS, dear Liz!!! May your tribe increase.

5 Replies to “{gleeee!}”

  1. This one’s been on my To Read list for a while. I should put it on hold and get it in the house, although I’m just getting ready to start the second Discworld book, and there are a lot of those left for me to read. Tam’s talking about scheduling a weekend retreat for us to get away and enjoy silence/lots of reading time, and I hope we do that. There are a LOT of books I’d like to read. I suppose I’ll be saying that until my dying day, but it’s true. I have patrons who come in to the library every day who feel like they can’t find anything to read. I help them, but I can’t quite imagine that feeling, as I’ve never had it.

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