{oh, suburbia. you serve to constantly amuse}

Skyway Drive 040

At least we’re meeting the neighbors, although it’s at 7 a.m.. We exchanged smiles with the lady from three doors down, as she counted the turkeys on her neighbor’s front lawn, and shook her head. She suggested we corral them and fatten them up… we declined, on account of the “and then what?” issue of that plan.

2 Replies to “{oh, suburbia. you serve to constantly amuse}”

  1. Ha! You know what is going to happen? The animals are going to get wind of the vegetarians on the block, and then you’re going to wake up one morning with turkeys, pigs, rabbits, and chickens on your lawn. “We heard this was a safe haven,” they will seem to say as their hopeful eyes rest upon your tofu steaks with sides of stir-fried kale. You may as well bring out the St. Francis statue now and put up a sign that says, “There is enough for all.” :mrgreen:

    1. Aaaaaaaaaargh!
      You know what makes me laugh the most about this is that if Dear were still alive, she’d BE OVER HERE WITH A HATCHET. We used to walk around the marina, and she’d tell Tech Boy that if he’d just go and get her one of those Canadian geese, she’d cook it for him… he had to explain repeatedly, a.) the whole vegetarian thing, b.) the whole “marina-is-safe-migration-territory” thing, and c.) the whole, I-am-not-going-to-chase-down-that-vicious-thing-did-you-see-its-beak thing.

      She generally ignored all explanations.

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