{empty closets, empty rooms}

Skyway Drive 003

The nicest thing about having moved is, aside from having a sudden surfeit of boxes, I can now read blogs with the library’s website open, and hit the HOLD button on anything that looks interesting immediately.

My library is going to be well sick of me shortly.

That is “being home,” to me.

Gosh. Autumn already. What a tumultuous and busy summer it has been. Nothing at all went the way I expected – but … life is good.

We’ll chat more soon.

7 Replies to “{empty closets, empty rooms}”

  1. I just read a profile of the maps librarian at LA’s central library, and he says, “But I can tell you, speaking for every librarian in this building, we wish they would call us more.”

    So true. Your library is happy, happy that you’re using them, virtually or by phone or in person.

    Here’s the article, by the by: http://lat.ms/S8ojIF. I’ve always thought being a map librarian would be SO COOL.

  2. Welcome home! I hope it is a good house that will make you feel loved. (but where is it? Inquiring minds want to know. Inquiring minds are also wondering if its near lego land…just think, you know, of showing up on one day to say hi!)

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