{hello… is this thing on…?}

It was a Shrinking Violets Promotions challenge put out by Lia Keyes… to throw down and get involved in the outside world. So. I joined Goodreads, as a Goodreads Author. And, if you’re reading this on GR, hello!

I don’t Tweet, I don’t FB, and I don’t network socially in any other fashion, because, frankly, people scare me. (Joke.) — Seriously, social networking is way too much fun, but it’s not for me; I have to work smarter than I would if I spent too much time on it. So, Goodreads is as much as I can do right now, and I don’t even participate there in a traditional way. I stopped giving stars about a year and a half ago, and that confuses some people… but I think stars are too simple a tool for what I generally feel about a book. Maybe if the ratings were something like “I’d Read it in an Airport;” “I’d Read it With PMS,” “I’d Drag it to the Beach;” or “It’ll Take You Away When Your Parents Are Arguing,” they’d have more meaning. But, maybe that’s just me.

And now, your moment of Zen.

Hayford Mills 132

They need just a leetle more work on that V. They got the honking down, though.

Happy week!

6 Replies to “{hello… is this thing on…?}”

  1. I just “liked” you on GoodReads. I also don’t put stars on my reviews there. I log most of the books I read, and I like being able to put tags on them (useful when I’m working with patrons and cannot remember the title of a book I am attempting to recommend). Sometimes I’ll post a sentence or two about the book, but I don’t do the stars, either.

  2. And anyway, I always get nervous watching geese–so often there is one in danger of being left behind–and I imagine its desperate anxiousness–“Wait! Wait!” But the others never do.

  3. Is it just part of getting older, or is it true that geese in my childhood made crisper vees? Mattie and I got a hoot out of some geese that really needed to go back to school–their v was flying backward, with two leaders.

    1. Hahahahah!
      Um, no, darling. Geese were just as raggedy in your childhood, no doubt. These are warm-up runs, I’m sure of it; they’ll have gotten it together by the time it’s REALLY time to fly South. Or else, they just will get out there and get it done, and not worry too much about it. I’m fairly sure – since it’s not that cold yet – that these were practice runs.

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