{gratitude: 11.22}

Finishing work today on a project for my chamber group. This time of year tends to end up being spent on most of the volunteer work necessary for being part of two non-profit groups. I’m always grateful for the people I work with, getting in there and doing thankless tasks, and this year it’s been especially nice because I was able to shove some paid work toward a friend. We work really well together, and things have gotten done twice as fast. Working with friends doesn’t have a single-word definition to write a poem about, but it’s well worth a spot on my gratitude list.


“Collaborate” has work built-in,
It’s ‘labor’ at its core –
Our forces, joining, underpin
The efforts of a score.
Collaboration is first ‘rate’
Co-leaders, we cooperate
And move the dial. And all the while
We work, we celebrate.

Okay, this one’s kind of a cheat, but it still makes me smile.

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