Ficktion Friday: Fly Free

Sixth grade

Gina and Jillian and Shelbi

(who spelled it with a ‘y’ last year)

take over the swing.

‘move down one,’ Gina bosses

Which is stupid, since everybody knows this is

My swing and the only reason Gina

thinks she is so hot is ‘cause her

sister Jolynne is already in ninth.


there are something like

fifteen other swings

this one’s mine,

you snotty cow

get your own

leave mine alone

go play swingset

somewhere else

I think all that and say


They don’t even say thanks.

Gina and Jillian and Shebi

sit, dragging their toes, idly swaying.

their chains rattle, keeping them

close. but going nowhere.

Shelbi has a chocolate Tootsie pop

Gina has grape

(Jillian has braces and isn’t supposed to have candy.)

Gina’s mouth is so full

she is drooling around her stick

I can smell grape all the

way over here

‘so, do you think

Brent Young is hot?

or do you like Lance Dacre?’

omg, they are both so hot!

i know!


‘I heard Brent…’

whispers. Secrets

heads together, their chains

clatter, wrapping together

my chains fall straight

holding only



Lance? My next door neighbor, who

always dares me to shoot his

insulin shots right into his stomach?

Lance, who

used to steal my bigwheel

and now rides his bike in races?

Brent? who is tall and lanky and talks

slow like he might have forgotten

what he was saying?

Lance? with his black hair

and bright blue eyes?

who smells like Daddy’s green soap?

Brent? who is five foot ten, and writes

poems for English?

they came and stole my swing

clattered and tangled the chains



for nothing.

well. lance isn’t nothing. quite.

‘It’s a swing set’

I say out loud


No one hears me

but anyway, I

dig in my heels and push

The chains pull tight

I am pulled back

before grade six

And then I fly free

This week’s picture is aptly named ||| |||| |||, which is exactly what the picture looks like. Cheers to Flickr photographer Bella Bellinsky, which is also a highly melodic name. More words from The Usual Suspects at

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