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After the kettle melted yesterday, you’ll be excited to note that the vacuum cleaner quit for no discernible reason, mid-room, – ! – and I was just the tiniest bit grumpy. I went out to water the new flower seedlings, and glowered at the weeds which also inadvertently benefit from the same lovely sunshine and mild temps which are giving the seedlings such verve. I must admit I sighed a bit about the weeds. And a bit more. And snatched a couple of spiky-leafed ones and growled a bit more, until Himself said mildly, “Do you see the flowers at all?”


YES, yes, consider the lilies. Some of us aren’t built for that – we consider the weeds, and plot how to eradicate them. The glass isn’t half full for everyone, okay????

Paean for the Pessimist

Can’t see the forest for the trees.
Don’t see the stars by light of day.
Can’t find the flowers for the weeds.
Don’t find the “bright side” or cheer lead.

Don’t see the stars by light of day –
I’ll smile – but also watch the news,
Can’t see the “bright side” or cheer lead
Knowing is power, some folks say.

I smile, but also watch the news,
My favorite shade’s “Foreboding Blue.”
Knowing is power, some folks say,
When things are wrong as two left shoes.

My natural shade’s “Foreboding Blue,”
I smile, but I’m not built for cheer.
When things are wrong as two left shoes,
We Eeyores do our best, my dear.

I smile, but I’m not built for cheer,
Can’t find the flowers for the weeds.
We Eeyores do our best, my dear;
Can’t see the forest for the trees.

I don’t think I could be any more on-brand me for the end of this National Poetry Month if I tried. Thanks for coming along for the ride, friends.