{6888th: honoring Millie Dunn Veasey}

millie dunn veasey

I loved the”world”I made in MARE’S WAR, full of half-remembered relatives, masquerading as characters and old names and older times. Its fictional boundaries constantly urged me to track down real survivors of time and age. My own grandmother passed away when I was nineteen – quite prematurely – and when I’d tracked down the names of several members of the 6888th closer to me, I found that they, too, had all passed away. I was happy to discover this week that Millie Dunn Veasey is still with us, and still remembers the work she did for the War effort, the sounds and the scents and the whole experience – which informed the rest of her life, I’m sure. She’s honored this week in the Raleigh News Observer. Thank you, Ms. Veasey, for your service.

A hat tip to Liz Wein for sending me the article.