{voices of youth advocates}

This summer’s VOYA is out and online. If you’re not a librarian and familiar with it, VOYA stands for Voices Of Youth Advocates, and since 1978 it’s been one of the most respected library journals for young adult librarians. It covers advocacy issues for young adults, YA library programs, including using library spaces for gaming and other YA interests; intellectual freedom, YA lit censorship, and the promotion of young adult literature through author interviews and book reviews… all good things.

I’m proud to have been quoted in VOYA’s pages. Writer, blogger, librarian and all-round book chica Edi Campbell kindly included some thoughts from me on being an author of color, and I’m in really good company with G. Neri, Malinda Lo, Cynthia Leitich Smith, Malin Alegria, Zetta Elliot, Joseph Bruchac, and more. (Thanks, Edi!)

You’ll want to read this entire magazine from cover to cover – but you’ll find the piece where I speak up begins on pg. 28. Pull up a chair and a glass of iced tea! You’ll come away with a few new insights on writers of color and the urge to pick up more books for that teetering To Be Read pile.