{Happy, Happy}

Lynedoch Crescent T 126

A bit dark for NOON, dontcha think?

In need of a little light in the dark and cold? (As I write this, it is NINE DEGREES, kids. NINE.) Sick of rain, snow, sleet, or gloom of night? (Or, gloom of morning, as the case may be.) Then, you need the December Lights Project. The December Lights project was started by Northern authors living in Wales, Ireland and the UK where it is dark and c-c-cold, and is a bundle of short stories, each one posted a day in December, each with a happy ending.

That makes me overjoyed.

The stories are FREE, and written by the authors you LOVE, including Tiffany Trent, SHERWOOD SMITH (squee!), Leah Cypress, Patrick Samphire, Karen Healey, and more.

Pass the word, guys. It’s a little Solstice, Hannukah, Christmas, Kwaanza gift.