Odds y Ends

Boy, this is a week for fierce discussions. Last week, a review of Wild Girls was under witty debate from various literati. I love what Colleen of Chasing Ray has to say about it today.

“Young girls in particular love to write. They write bad poems, bad stories, notes in class and many many overly dramatic diary entries. Writing is a big deal to them as an age group and it does help in all kinds of ways. In this case, I didn’t think that learning to be better writers solved all their problems – the problems were being solved (one way or another) by the adults. What Sarah and Joan had to do was learn how to be brave enough to see their parents as people and not just parents and to share their own thoughts and concerns about the decisions those parents were making.”

That’s huge. I very much want to read this book!!

Meanwhile, other debates rage… After thinking about it: I still don’t much care about the Dumbledore thing, but I do think that it’s strange that it matters so much to some people. We are taught, in writing children’s books, to have the children take center stage in problem solving and in adventures. I guess if you’re done with the series, you can go on and talk about the adults… but why? What Ms. Rowling has done doesn’t upset me — and just for the record, I haven’t gotten to the last book yet, (so I don’t know if this other wizard guy even shows up — I assume that he does [which begs the whole question of “Hey! Wasn’t Dumbledore dead?!” but Hogwarths wizards don’t die, they… go into paintings. Or something.]) and maybe it will make more sense when I do.

It seems to me a lot like the Lemony Snickett thing with the Book Burning parents association — a kind of Gotcha! Made you look! kind of P.S. to a series of stories. It’s not thoroughly pointless, I mean, it makes a lot of sense from a PR standpoint… but like fans who were very offended at Daniel Handler for what they saw as a cheap publicity trick, there are people who feel that the stories needed nothing else, and are upset about additions to what they saw as set in stone, printed, and done.

I’m not sure story ever IS “done” – especially since every reader brings something new to the story, and writers only imagine they’ve revealed its entire scope. We live in the world of Fan Fiction; Dumbledore’s probably been gay a long time …

The Chronicle has a story on the profits of blogging — since I know we’re all making bank in the YA/Children’s blogosphere…

Via Bookshelves O’ Doom, I am now addicted to… Free rice, rice, baby! I had to quit after 1100 1840 grains… I was sort of horrified into playing as long as I could. I mean GRAINS of rice?! How many grains in a pound?!

Pistols & Nazis & French, Oh My! Under Radar Wrap Up

I wish my copy of this book weren’t packed and somewhere heading across the Atlantic. The artwork on the 1960’s version is full of larger-than-life stereotypes — a cartoony biplane, a sinister looking man with a big nose and a baguette, and a kid with boots.

My first copy of this book I borrowed from my best friend when I was eleven. My best friend at the time was a twenty-seven year old policeman’s wife who was pregnant with her first child, and who apparently was testing her tolerance for children by having around. We are still dear friends, so I know she was at least somewhat amused with me, but she was my best friend then solely because she had books, and let me read them. She’d invite me to sit down amongst the piles and shelves in her cool den, and, with clean hands and promises not to turn back the pages, let me read anything child-friendly that she had, as long as I was in her home.

I have to admit, I seriously considered stealing this book from Auntie Nita. I wanted to read this book over and over again, because the story hooked me from the very start.

Johnny’s Dad has been away, fighting in WWII, and Johnny’s mother, who is French, has been doing her best to keep up with the ranch in Wyoming without him — but it’s not going so well. There isn’t money for the things Johnny wants, like a two-wheeler red bicycle with a high gear and a low gear like his friend Bob’s. Johnny really wants that bike, and during a bad winter storm, he does his best to be a man on the ranch and help out — because he knows that if they get the work done, and the money coming in, maybe they can afford more things. When 12-year-old Johnny fractures his leg trying to help bring in the cattle from the east range, things go from bad to worse. Johnny’s break is set multiple times in the next year and a half, but the fact is, he may need an operation. It’ll be expensive, tricky, and painful. Now Johnny’s leg has been set more than once, and the doctors say he’ll need an expensive, painful and tricky operation but without it, the doctor says he will never walk again.

Johnny’s not only terrified, but he’s angry once his father finally comes home, and breaks the news that he isn’t able to stay, and Johnny’s going to get dumped in a little village in France with his mother’s brother to regain his strength. Who wants to go to some dumb little village where nobody speaks English? Not Johnny, that’s for sure. He wants to be with his ranch and his cattle and his father, and he’s not taking it well that he isn’t getting his way.

There are some pluses he notices once his awe-inspiring tantrum is over. For one thing, Oncle Paul is building an airplane… l’avion. For another thing, Johnny — or Jean — has been promised an awesome red bicycle at the end of the summer, if he will make an attempt to walk again.

But there’s more. Jean learns that something is downright fishy in the little French village. There are strange people about — stranger than just the regular old strange French people in the village. And then Jean finds un pistolet… dans une baguette de pain… a gun in a loaf of bread. Soon readers are on the trail de l’aventure… et, oui: they are reading in French.

Quite possibly no other middle grade novel ever ends in this fashion; the last three chapters of Walker & Company.

the Golden Age of Mysteries, when the likes of Agatha Christie, Dorothy Sayers and Ellery Queen were in high demand. Darwin Teilhet taught journalism classes at Stanford and worked as consultant for various film producers. As executive assistant to the President of Dole Pineapple in Hawaii — what sounds like a relatively staid, ‘normal’ job, produced for him even more ideas for murder mysteries. One of his most famous is set in Hawaii, and references Dole. Since YA literature wasn’t then what it is now, Teilhet only wrote two novels for young people using the pen name of Cyrus Fisher — two that I could find, anyway. I am hoping that somewhere, someone knows of a few more.

Read the first chapter of this suspenseful and entertaining bilingual mystery. You’ll want to take this gem and keep it, too.

It’s been an amazing week! I’ve really enjoyed seeing what book treasures out there I might have missed, and hope you have too! Last recommendations unearthed today at: A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy – The impactive, gritty Vietnam books by Ellen Emerson White,

Big A, little a goes down to The Deep by Helen Dunmore,

Bildungsroman discusses the May Bird Trilogy by Jodi Lynn Anderson, whose other work I’ve enjoyed, so I know I’ll need to check this out,

Not Your Mother’s Bookclub takes a look at some recently revised classics,

Fuse Number 8 takes on Stoneflight by George McHarque

At lectitansit’s books, Louisiana Styles, with Gentle’s Holler and Louisiana Song both by Kerry Madden, a great bppl and a book review I will be posting soon,

Our able leader at Chasing Ray finishes the week with Kipling’s Choice by Geert Spillebeen,

Interactive Reader chimes in with a fun sounding book I’m sure I need to read, A Plague of Sorcerers by Mary Frances Zambreno,

The YA YA YAs discuss the spooky sounding Resurrection Men by TK Welsh, whose good with the creepier stories,

Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast finishes out the week sitting pretty with Such a Pretty Face: Short Stories About Beauty edited by Ann Angel

Giant Shoes to Fill: Under Radar Reccomendations

I first picked up the book because the cover was bizarre. It was white, plain, sort of …spare. A huge hand, a net, and a massive pair of boots dominated the cover, and the word ‘giant’ was used.

Sometimes that’s all it takes.

What was a whimsical choice in my ‘lightning round’ at the library turned out to be one of my very favorite books of all time, ever ever.

Big, tall, fifteen-year-old Lucy Otswego’s struggle to cast a longer shadow than her father’s reputation as a mean fall-down drunk in their town is more than she can take. Lucy’s father hardly looks at her or speaks to her, because she looks like her mother — who left them. Adults who’ve seen Joe’s fast right hook pity Lucy, her classmates mock her, and she’s on a first-name basis with every bartender in town…

All of them. Because after Joe’s benders, Lucy’s the one they call to carry him home.

When Joe’s world destroys the one thing Lucy loves, she takes off, sloughing off her past like an unwanted coat. Mistaken for someone much older due to her size, she ends up with what she needs: a place to stay, and a job… but it’s a job that’s dangerous and rough, and she makes mistakes — and an enemy — right away. Things could be so, so good, if only this wasn’t just a dream world. Lucy’s in way, way, way over her head. But there’s no way to stop…

Young readers discussed Lucy the Giant on Book Club of the Air for Young Adults, on LA 36, an Arts & Culture channel. Students in the book club said the book reminded them of a fairytale, correctly identifying the underlying structure of the Hero’s Journey in the tale. When author Sherri L. Smith actually drops in on their discussion, the girls eagerly pepper her with their questions on craft and discuss Smith’s take on Lucy. “Do you find it hard to be mean to your characters?” one of them asks. (Take a listen: her response will make you laugh.) Smith is genial, open, and funny, making herself a delightful guest.

More important that her wittiness, Sherri Smith is a.) not a giant, b.) not an Alaskan Native [i.e., Inuit, Tlingit, First Nations Alaskan peoples] c.) nor a crabbing expert, which speaks well, again, of the power of imagination. Anyone can tell another’s story: the trick is to tell it well, and Sherri L. Smith has that down to a science.

Lucy the Giant was translated into Dutch in 2004, and under the title Lucy XXL, won an honorable mention at De Gouden Zoen, or Golden Kiss Awards, which was a tremendous honor for an American book by a first-time author.

“An awesome first novel,” I said when I first reviewed Lucy the Giant back in 2005, impressed at the research and imagination the author used to create an almost tangible Alaska for Lucy’s world. It turns out that Sherri L. Smith has also written an awesome second novel set, in part, in pre-Katrina New Orleans, with all of the subtle and specific details in place. The novel is titled Sparrow, published July 2006, and was recently nominated as a Louisiana Young Reader’s Choice Award.

Kendall has lived with G’ma for years, ever since her entire family was killed in a freak car accident. Family takes care of family is the golden rule in G’ma’s world; but once G’ma’s gone, Kendall has only an aunt left, one she doesn’t remember, who didn’t even come to the funeral. Kendall is seventeen, has ten days to find a guardian to sign the lease on her apartment, and nothing to lose. She heads for New Orleans, and her Aunt Janet, since even if you’ve never really met them, family’s got to take family in… right?

Fans can look forward to another treat when Sherri L. Smith’s Hot, Sour, Salty, Sweet debuts in February. A multicultural family and one shot at coming together with all ethnicities entwined to make a celebratory meal and impress a boy — sounds like a foodie novel after my own heart!

Sherri L. Smith’s books use a captivating first-person to drop readers right into the emotional center of her novels. Pick one up — like me, you truly won’t be disappointed.

Tomorrow’s excellent Under Radar Reads include…

A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy talking over Friends for Life and Life Without Friends, companion books continuing with the author celebration for Ellen Emerson White,

Shaken & Stirred presents: The Changeover and Catalogue of the Universe, both by Margaret Mahy,

Big A, little a shares an interview with Helen Dunmore!

Jen Robinson’s Book Page The Treasures of Weatherby by Zilpha Keatley Snyder,

Bildungsroman: Swollen by Melissa Lion;

Miss Erin: Erec Rex: The Dragon’s Eye by Kaza Kingsley,

Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast: Billie Standish Was Here by Nancy Crocker,

Fuse Number 8 is getting loud with The Noisy Counting Book by Susan Schade,

Chasing Ray Juniper, Genetian and Rosemary by the uniquely talented Pamela Dean,

lectitans want to know Who Pppplugged Roger Rabbit? by Gary K. Wolf,

And Writing and Ruminating wraps up the day with a novel in poems that broke my heart in a good way, Hugging the Rock, by Susan Taylor Brown.

The party’s not yet over. Tune in for one more day!

A Sliver of Light: Under Radar Reccomendations

“Everything falls to Katherine, and that means everything is falling apart.”

It is a powerful and heartfelt book which, for reasons of its authentic voice and timeless truths, cracked my heart when I first read it in 2001. The MFA thesis of author Heather Quarles, this book combines a family story and an exploration of belief to create a book painful in its clarity.

The storyline isn’t earth shattering: An alcoholic woman with four kids barely making it isn’t particularly original. The eldest child, Katherine, emerging as the caretaker of Douglas, Tracy and Alisa is what Al-Anon says naturally occurs in every family touched by alcoholism. People fall into roles in a family of dysfunction. It’s just how they cope, how we might cope in the same circumstances. But into this spiral of destruction, shines a light… from a wardrobe in the middle of nowhere. And that light both eases the darkness, and reveals a way in which they all have so much more to lose than they previously believed possible.

Just… something about the way this particular family is falling apart catches at the heart. As I said when I first reviewed this book for my writing group years ago,

“The truth is found in the writing — the dialogue breathes life into fear and anger, the chronic feelings of helpless love and suppressed rage the main character feels. The first person narration gives a true immediacy to the piece, and drags readers into the painful places with the family.”

At fifteen, most of us wanted to prove that we could run our own lives; these teens have to try, for the sake of staying together; they can’t even turn to their father, who is on a second wife and family. Though he might have grudgingly helped them, their youngest sister, Alisa, isn’t his child. Surely a parent who shows she can’t be trusted to take care of her own has given them the idea that no one else will take care of a child who does not even belong to him. So, the family goes it alone, and their attempt is astounding. But teachers have eyes — and the act of trying to parent while trying to be a kid is visible. When it all implodes, a desperate gamble to keep her family together drives Katherine to an extreme that may ruin more than she knows.

This book won awards – four of them. This book garnered critical praise. The author, according to the flyleaf of the book, has written short stories and essays. I have never found any, neither can I find an interview nor any additional information on the author except that she graduated from Emerson College. And I wonder: did something happen? Is she still writing? Can I ever tell her how much this book means to me?

An echo of this one book has remained with me for years, prompting me to read more about C.S. Lewis’ responses to the children who responded so strongly to him, and to more carefully frame questions of my own in the stories I write, with a heart for the people who may encounter my books, and ask questions of their own, seeking hope while dealing with reality. Such questions are universal, poignant, and haunting:

When faced with silence and despair, are we losing our grip when we find that we want to believe in Narnia? Is there something wrong with trying to find it wherever we are? Aren’t we all still looking for A Door Near Here?

Thoughtful, evocative and valuable book-gems found elsewhere. Check out:

A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy and a discussion of author Ellen Emerson White, her general awesomeness, and why she is “under the radar,”

Big A, little a takes on Ingo by Helen Dunmore,

Jen Robinson’s Book Page has a discussion on The Changeling and The Velvet Room, both by the super-awesome Zilpha Keatley Snyder,

Over at Bildungsroman, the uniquely titled, The Girl in the Box, by Ouida Sebestyen,

Miss Erin: Girl With a Pen and Princess of Orange, both by Elisabeth Kyle,

Fuse Number 8 with a bit of the mythic: The Winged Girl of Knossos, by Erick Berry,

Bookshelves of Doom shares The Olivia Kidney series, by Ellen Potter,

Chicken Spaghetti writes on the intriguing sounding The Natural History of Uncas Metcalfe, by Betsey Osborne,

Writing and Ruminating has a fun one – Jazz ABC by Wynton Marsalis;

And The YA YA YAs wrap it up with Massive, by Julia Bell.

Not a bad crop of books (AND there are cute mice over at 7-Imps Picture Books Celebration today). Stay tuned for more Under Radar Reporting!

Buckle Your Swash: Under Radar Reccomendations

There was a type of fiction written largely in the forties and fifties — in the heyday of speculative fiction — that showed the genre of Adventure Narrative to its fullest and finest advantage. Those were the books you could describe as ‘thrilling,’ with flinty, taciturn heroes (and virtually invisible heroines), vivid action sequences, bold adventurers, treasure to be had, lives to be saved, battles to be fought, and schemers to outwit. Those edge-of-your-seat stories were often serialized in magazines such as Adventure or Amazing Stories, and were dismissed by many as mere pulp fiction, but in amongst pages of more forgettable fare landed The Curved Saber: The Adventures of Khlit the Cossack, the work of a quiet man named Harold Lamb.

Mr. Lamb was born in 1892 with speech and hearing disabilities which crippled him socially as well. He lived fully, for a time, in his imagination only, delving into the library at Columbia University and reading deeply into a hitherto completely unknown world – the world of Asia. He started writing short stories in college, and wrote for Adventure magazine for twenty years, eventually becoming known as “an American Dumas.” His character, Khlit, was first chronicled in those pages, and the response of readers is what secured his place in the pantheon of Cool Character history.

Later in his career Harold Lamb stepped away from academia and became a screenwriter. His writing was part of Samson and Delilah, directed in 1949 by Cecil B. DeMille, and many of his other stories were turned into film, including The Crusades, 1935, The Plainsmen, 1936, The Golden Horde (which was allegedly about the life of Genghis Khan) 1951, and The Buccaneer, 1938. Mr. Lamb even wrote a history book specifically for young adults, with watered down violence and sort of Robinhood-like Mongolian swordsmen, but it was not nearly as popular with young readers as his serial stories. The voice, descriptions and tight pacing in those books contributed to creating a world away that enthralled young adults yearning to ride out boldly toward swashbuckling adventure, and Khlit the Cossack was the Harold Lamb character readers wanted to ride with the most.

Cossack. Just saying the word with its sharp-heeled ‘k,’for some conjures up jackboots and bloodthirsty pillaging, red-cloaked Tsarist soldiers and the Napoleonic Wars; for others the word brings to mind entertainment — those people doing that dance where you squat and cross your arms and kick and shout “ho!” a lot, and wear a furry hat, and maybe have a curved sword at your side…

Part of the reason for the confusion is that the Cossacks were a hugely nomadic tribal group, and they were all over Russia, and Central Asia. Their paths cross Russian history, Mongolia’s ancient past, the history of the Ukraine, Chinese history, and more.

Harold Lamb’s exploration of the Cossacks takes place on the vast grasslands of the Central Plains, when the old warriors still ruled the steppes. His character Khlit the Cossack was probably the most famous and fabulous depiction of a hard-as-steel, justice-loving, sword fighter. Khlit’s mythic status was probably the basis for such depictions of nomadic sword fighters as Conan the Barbarian and Red Sonja, but they are only the most single-dimensional, anemic and paltry of imitations. Khlit was larger-than-life and simply amazing.

Lamb’s work introduced the various ethnicities present in that region at that time in a way that was so vivid and interesting that young would-be adventurers were mesmerized. They suddenly saw detail in what had been a piece of history. The people of Genghis Khan weren’t just crazed killers. The Cossacks weren’t just Russian or Chinese faces in a blur. Unlike other heroes of adventure fiction, Khlit wasn’t a womanizer – though he had female friends, and regularly helped damsels in distress. Khlit was simply… better than the usual fare.

The nomadic tribes had no written language. Because of this, their history is largely told by their oppressors, and all we have of them is their descendants, and the critical words of those who studied them from the sidelines. Lamb takes the history of the steppes — which to us would be a miserable experience – and humanizes it, giving it faces and reasons and subtleties of meaning. WE would hate to sleep in the saddle, and might not enjoy a night in a ger or a yurt. WE might be be grossed out to eat raw horsemeat, warmed and tenderized by the sweat of our horses, from beneath our saddles — as our hero does. But when he does it, it’s just another day on the steppes.


Lamb’s intense historical focus came off more like cultural anthropology than sociology. His fiction examined the world of the Cossacks from within the Cossak’s sphere, as opposed to looking at it from a strictly scholarly way — and making an overall judgment from pieces. That kind of fiction writing takes a massive amount of research, a lot of care for one’s subjects, and boatloads of talent. Harold Lamb was three for three.

Until recently, Lamb’s work was totally out of print, impossible to find, kept in the stacks at libraries, and generally inaccessible. Young people who had grown up in the fifties and sixties loving stories of swordplay and treachery and treasure-hunting with a band of sinewy comrades kept passing the tales along to their sons, and thus Lamb’s work has never been thoroughly forgotten. The resurgence of interest has prompted Bison Books at the University of Nebraska Press to offer his Cossack stories again, bound in volume form. Now the fortresses of hidden assassins, the search for the tomb of Genghis Khan (and the subsequent escape from his vengeful ghost), the rides of the Mongol horde and other fantastic adventures are available to everyone. If you enjoy historical fiction, being transported to places in your imagination, and aren’t afraid of a little blood and gore, jump in. You’ll be glad you did.

Under Radar Recommendations are books that we have read and loved. Period.
They’re not necessarily new. They’re not necessarily old.
They’re books we think you’d love, ’cause we do.

There is, elsewhere, more of the usual awesomeness of the kidlitosphere. Fans of the under-read should also, check out:

Chasing Ray writing on Dorothy of Oz from Illusive Arts Entertainment (the Dorothy comic she says we should all be reading!),

Bildungsroman revisits Christopher Golden’s Body of Evidence series,

Interactive Reader, a new convert to the Christopher Golden Body of Evidence fan club, provides more love,

At Not Your Mother’s Bookclub: An interview with Robert Sharenow, author of My Mother the Cheerleader,

At lectitans, you’ll read about The Angel of the Opera: Sherlock Meets the Phantom of the Opera by Sam Siciliano,

Bookshelves of Doom is all about The God Beneath the Sea, Black Jack & Jack Holburn all by Leon Garfield,

Writing and Ruminating has an interview with Tony Mitton and a review of his book, Plum ,

The YA YA YAs spread the love on I Rode a Horse of Milk White Jade by Diane Lee Wilson (And I can attest: awesome book, folks.),

A late inclusion from Semicolon on unbeatable picture books.

And Chicken Spaghetti wraps up Monday with The Illustrator’s Notebook by Mohieddin Ellabad.

More Under Radar Goodness All Week Long: Stay tuned!

Stop! Hey, What’s That Sound?

Static hiss.

“Control, we have received a signal… over…”
“Signal points to this site and is attempting to make book recommendations no one else might be making, over…”

“Details to follow, Monday, August 27th, over… and out…

Static hiss.

Stop! Hey, What's That Sound?

Static hiss.

“Control, we have received a signal… over…”
“Signal points to this site and is attempting to make book recommendations no one else might be making, over…”

“Details to follow, Monday, August 27th, over… and out…

Static hiss.