Elements for a Great Conference Weekend

Here are the things you need for a successful writing/book conference:* First, reserve the most intensely colored hotel you can find.Drag friends there to stay with you, and be thankful that the hotel furnishes you with earplugs… as the Tenderloin is only a bar, liquor store, club and dealer-filled noisy block away… * Next, have […]

The Scrotum Screed, or Much Ado About A Word

The other day, I had a conversation with my brother, who is a young adult, a bona fide age fifteen. He was describing his snorkeling trip to Catalina, and the process of tightening areas of his wet suit, which caused him pain. He used a word not normally heard in polite conversation. Do you suppose […]

A SEQUEL to His Dark Materials in the works, poetry and Escape Plans

I never do the Friday poetry thing, but this Jack Prelutsky nonsense has been winging around in my head: I Made My Dog A Valentine I made my dog a ValentineShe sniffed it very hardThen chewed on it a little whileAnd left it in the yard. I made one for my parakeets,A pretty paper heart,They […]

Bring on the Book! Meera Masi & Camel Mobile

If you can’t find the book you want, write the book you need. That’s what Bay Area women Sonali Herrera and Sheetal Singhal did to begin Meera Masi, a tiny Bay Area publishing company highlighting Indian language and culture books for kids. The Chronicle reports that as the Bay Area Indian population has reached about […]

PreK Books, Anyone?

I’m thinking about preschoolers… Now, there’s a topic which doesn’t often get broached on Writing YA, but preKindergarteners are young adults… just very, very, very wee ones. I have the opportunity to support a nonprofit Early Childhood Education Center by buying books for these wee young adults, ages 2 – 4! Buying books is my […]

Feels Like It’s Still Monday…

Hmmm. How do YOU define multicultural literature? Because there is no single definition, according to the U of Wisconsin’s Cooperative Children’s Book Center, your answer might well be quite a bit different from mine. Most people assume that it simply means books celebrating cultural diversity through children’s literature; some people assume that the books have […]