{thanksfully: 11}

Sundays used to mean getting up really early to go grocery shopping. At six a.m., the only active thing is the produce department, a whole rafts of people replace the ravaged displays of fruit and veg. Grocery stores that early are usually peaceful — though I have run into people before who haven’t yet gone to bed — and who really need to go home, sober up, and do just that. But, still – I am grateful for early hours, and the determinedly chipper people who work them.

introvert shopping

early morning aisles:
piled deep in cardboard boxes
chilled, damp vegetables
wait beside empty displays
blesséd* is the emptiness

I know. Blessed is a single syllable, unless your syllables use formal Elizabethan phrasing.

One Reply to “{thanksfully: 11}”

  1. With my new s’hedule, I am finding myself at Trader’s around 7 in the evening and it’s actually rather nice!

    Walmart, on the other hand…is sheer hell. I had to pop in last night to get some decorations for our school potluck this week. ENTIRE families were meandering around~not really shopping~just…hanging out?? Quel annoyance.

    And many -ed words are two syllables, according to my current students! I find my English is morphing into their version.

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