
“I can’t help picturing a wedding reception with a giant serpent. He’d be fine at the Electric Slide or the limbo, but they’d have to skip YMCA and the macarena.”

Just in time for your next bedtime story, it’s time for another completely bizarre and surreal fairytale with Sarah Beth Durst! Introducing: the massive evil serpent prince! You will giggle inappropriately. Guaranteed.

Via the ever-informative SF Signal comes the news that Octavia Butler’s Kindred will be turned into a graphic novel. If you’re not familiar with this novel — you should pick it up. It’s the story of Dana — a modern African American woman who gets time-slipped back to slave times — problem being, she’s time-slipped into her own family line, and she knows that her task in that time is to save the life of her owner — or else she won’t have existed. Unfortunately, though he starts out well enough, he turns into a product of his time. The psychological implications of having to save your …enslaver… whoa. This was an amazing mind-inside-out kind of book. Really, anything by Octavia Butler is amazing. She died way too soon.

I Stand Corrected: Galleycat supports the use of the phrase “people of color” to mean ethnic minorities all across the board, and is calling for more books from other ethnic groups as well as African Americans. Go, GalleyCat. Yay.

High on my list of Cool Things I Learned This Week is Rosey Grier’s Needlepoint for Men. I think I need to find a picture book about this man. There has to be one.

3 Replies to “TGI…almostF!”

  1. I have never read Kindred, and didn’t know what it was about until now, although I too saw it was being made into a graphic novel. And now, of course, it is high on my list what with me always looking out for time travel. Thanks for those extra words about it!

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