{december lights: citron}

Buddha's Hand Fruit 4

citrus deities

fragrant hand blesses
wafting godlike essences
breathe, breath of heaven

Fruitcake with plain dried fruit and fresh spices and no weirdly colored cherries (or whatever those green things are) is actually quite tasty. If you’ve never used a citron medica var or fingered citron or Buddha’s hand in cooking before, you owe it to yourself to try. Wait for a day when you have a few extra pence lying about, and splurge. It smells glorious, and tastes like… well, lemon peel with essence of lemon blossoms.

We left slices of this lovely fruit in our sugar bowl, and in the kitchen, and now our tea tastes magical, and the whole downstairs smells of flowers. May light infuse and suffuse your being in just this same way.

3 Replies to “{december lights: citron}”

  1. Wow, never heard of fingered citron before! Love the idea of lemony goodness infiltrating the kitchen. At first glance, I thought it was chicken feet . . .:)

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