{#npm16: guess what we did today?}


your tax dollars at work

This nation, to stay “in the black”
And us defend on sovereign soil, (and,
Xenophobic, to attack
All others in our quest for oil). So,
Thus the State demands its due:
In fact, “Internal Revenue” an
Onus gives, in moral sense to
Navigate civil defense.

Poetry Friday today is hosted by the amazing Laura Salas @Writing The World For Kids. Laura Purdie Salas is one of the hardest-working poets I know, and who can write poetry literally on any topic. I aspire to her level with these acrostics!

7 Replies to “{#npm16: guess what we did today?}”

  1. WHAT? A whole month of acrostics?!?! How ever did I miss that memo!! I’ll be back to read back and read on. I love this form and work like crazy to make sure my fifth graders write ones that MAKE SENSE (not just a string of random adjectives).

    Ah, yes, taxes. A necessary evil?

  2. Aw, thanks, Tanita–blush, blush. Of course, sometimes I write poems on topics I probably shouldn’t–heehee. I love that you’re doing acrostics, because it really does seem so unlike your usual approach. I think you’re doing wonderful things with them. Exception job with the X–fits in perfectly! I’m posting an abecedarian next week, and I’ve had to cheat up both the X and Z :>(

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