{“Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most… human.”}

our love is ours
to have
to share

The miracle is this:
The more we share…
The more
We have.

– “You and I Have Learned”
from These Words Are For You, by Leonard Nimoy, 1981.

Did you want to be a Vulcan, too? I did. Life – emotions – are hard. Sensibly not feeling any of it seemed so… eminently logical. Strange to think how so many people related to a completely fictional struggle – but there we are again, making fiction real in life in the way that humans do it best. He told our story, did dear Mr. Spock – and Mr. Nimoy. He was, and always will be… remembered as a large-souled and decent man.

EDITED TO ADD: This little piece of fan history from 1968 made me a little teary. This is an example of a person who does his best to be a mensch in whatever role he has – sure, he was acting, but he used his celebrity to support integrity. Seriously: an amazing and great-hearted man. Would that we all could be remembered so well, when it’s our time.

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