{Changing Spaces}

I’m a little bummed this hour, since finding out my agent isn’t coming with me to this grand ALA celebration. His Dad has fallen ill, and I wish him very well, but I am sad that he’s not going to be there to rightfully bask in the glory of one of his writers receiving an award. Also: I don’t get to hide behind him. He’s not a big man, but he schmoozes much better than I do, I know. (Having never met him in person I cannot be sure of this, but then, the man does schmoozing for a living.)

Poor S.A.M. I’ll miss him.

This means that one coffee meeting has been knocked off the itinerary, giving me more time to wander through the Exhibit Hall and pick up BOOKS. I really hope we manage to keep under the weight limit on our luggage, or I’ll be at the post office before we pack up to go.

The weather forecast for D.C. states that it’ll be 95°F the day I arrive, dropping to 84° and rising again to 87° before I leave. The forecast says nothing about humidity, but I’m happy there’s nothing over a hundred, at least. And the U.S. is a country that is fond of its iced drinks. I will survive.

I saw that Sarah, Duchess of York is going to be at the ALA this year. And John Grisham. And Natalie Merchant. And AMY SEDARIS?! I keep forgetting that it’s not just for children’s lit… also, there will be comedians. SO WEIRD!

Today, I put cell phone numbers in my phone that belong to poets and writers. THAT was exciting. Yes, I’ve known these people online, but I have their phone numbers now. Yeah, yeah, I know I hate talking on the phone. It was the PRINCIPLE of the thing, all right?

Yes, I suffer from Extreme Geekdom. Deal with it.

Today’s emoticon: 💡 Getting the realization that I should really pack.

3 Replies to “{Changing Spaces}”

  1. Oh my goodness. This is happening soon. I look forward to reading about your adventures. I suppose in the heat you won’t be up for cooking with Adrienne. 🙂 Your comment about iced drinks in the US reminds me of a children’s book I read years ago called The French Detection by Ann Waldron. In the midst of the mystery was the perpetual search for drinks served with ice.

    1. Every summer I forget and order iced tea. And get those blank looks. “Uh… so, you want tea with ice?” Some restaurants actually will do it for me — they’re used to tourists. The other places are watering holes of the locals, and they just …look at me. And chuckle.

  2. I can just imagine how disappointing, even frightening, it is that you will not have your agent in tow. But perhaps there’s opportunity here. I hate to be pushed beyond my limits, and I often feel nervous in social situations, but I find that when I do have to go it alone I’m forced to be more outgoing and social than feels comfortable. Comfortable is overrated. Getting out of our comfort zone is when all the best things happen. Good luck, my friend, enjoy. You will shine. And congratulations again.

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