Viva la Rogers! Or, El Rogers, anyway…

Not really a writing item: Since I was thinking recently about Mr. Rogers, I thought you might want to know that today in 1967, his show debuted, and started us all on the path to being …good neighbors and cool people. Of course, there is a tribute album for his songs… but can anything involving Jon Secada and string orchestras be entirely good!?

Anyway. Here’s to being good neighbors…

2 Replies to “Viva la Rogers! Or, El Rogers, anyway…”

  1. Jon Secada! I haven’t thought about him in a while. Though, admittedly, he does cross my mind on occasion by virtue of the fact that, three-plus years before we were to meet, start dating, fall in love, etc., Rob and I were probably within dozens of feet of each other, mutually loathing the (thankfully brief) Jon Secada/PM Dawn performance at Disneyland Grad Night 1993.

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