{thanksful: 30 – selfishness?}

One thing I notice, around the close of my Month of Gratitude, is that I always go to my ritual of “thanksfulness” when I am feeling something. This is why it’s good ritual and practice; it becomes like the journaling I gave up long ago, except with less obsessing about bad manicures. So, today I have a feeling, and I came to write through it, to gratitude.

Unfortunately, today I’m feeling… really crappy.

Portland 137

Keep Portland… um

I respect my agent and my editor, and when I get a critique letter from either of them, I always try to look at it in the spirit it is sent — to improve my craft.

This does not always work. As a matter of fact, initially I am hit with a wave of depression when I receive a critique letter, and like my friend Sara, I have to sit with it — preferably in another room.

It’s not at all that I expect my work to be infallible; I need to know when I’m not hitting the mark within a narrative, and as I strive to write more and more honestly, scraping from the gut, I need to know if my truths are capital letter Truths. But what’s hard for me is less about the critique and more about myself. It’s finding that I’m not creating an imaginary world at all… but that I’ve recreated this world, and perpetuated the mistakes of this current world. To find that my character shares my foibles — idiosyncrasies I’ve found nearly impossible to be rid of in myself — is a thing of horror. I can’t even create an imaginary friend who isn’t my idiot double.

You see why I don’t have children.

Today, my agent pointed out that I’ve managed to create a character who flinches before the axe falls. Who organizes her life so that she can deflect criticism from her parents and relatives before they actually say anything about her actions. Before she actually ever does anything. Cringing, self-deprecating, apologetic… Yes, well, hello, real life! You found me. Again.

I talked with a young friend the other week who is very good at taking care of herself. After a childhood of waiting while her mother fulfilled her needs, now that she’s an adult, my friend’s big on Me First kind of behavior. And, yeah, it can be cringe-inducing to experience, but in some ways, I am wistful when I look at her path of rabid self-determination. I can’t think of one decision I’ve made in my life where I wasn’t presupposing the opinions of six other people, and preparing a defense against their reactions. When you lie down with judgement, you get up with self-censure. And possibly fleas. And it. is. exhausting.

Fiction isn’t meant to be real life with all the “uh-ums” written in; it’s meant to be an exaggeration of the real, a heightened, polished version of same. I am, frankly, in need of polish. And an axe.

So, today I’m grateful for …the concept of self care, in a non-Pop Psychology fashion, and the dynamically self-engaged person I’m going to create, first in fiction, then perhaps in real life. I’m grateful for self-centeredness as a concept, even though I’m not able to recognize it as a path that I can normally take. I’m grateful that every day is the possibility of a step forward.

{thanksful: 29 – idle hands}

I am not a good crafter. I am the slowest seamstress; I am a terrible knitter. I cannot remember from one moment to the next how to cast off. And let’s not start talking about crochet… I’ve managed to make a chain. Repeatedly. At least I’ve finished multiple projects knitting – though they are lumpy with dropped stitches. I am not proud to admit that I prefer knitting with wool, because if it’s really ugly and you can’t frog it, you can felt it…

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Suffice it to say that I’ll never be one of those people for whom handiwork is automatic; I didn’t learn to do any of these crafts until I was an adult. But, I love that I have a full bin of yarn and umpteen unfinished projects going anyway.

My mother had a saying, about owed money: as long as you owe me, I’ll never be broke. I kind of have this same feel about my knitting projects: as long as they’re started, I’ll never be finished, right? I’ll always have something to warm my lap, to fiddle with on flights, to help me distance people’s speaking that I don’t want to hear. (Full disclosure: I knit during sermons I dislike. Do with that as you will. Mind, I don’t often knit in church, but it keeps me serene when I feel like arguing with speakers… because it’s actually a challenge for me to formulate sentences when I’m knitting, unless I’m just doing straight knits, no counting or purling…). As long as I have a bin full of projects, my hands will never be the devil’s workshop.

{thanksful: 28 – irregular}

Today is my brother’s birthday. I remember when he was released from his social workers at the hospital, a mess of wires and heart monitors. I remember his pitiful wails, the birthmark that all but swamped his tiny cheek, our disbelief that the woman who gave birth to him could have left him, any more than a person could abandon a mewling kitten. As always, I remember the first IEP he had, and my mother’s blotchy, tear-swollen face when she hoarsely recounted what she’d been told; that he’d never read above a 3rd grade level. Since he’s now in junior college, still reading slowly, still not letting it define him, this is an especially poignant memory. My mother made the choice for us to stand up and move forward with his life, as if he were perfect. As if he weren’t an irregular little human being, left on the cutting room floor when they loaded up the lives of perfect people for public viewing.

This time of year, there are tons of sales and people blah-blah-blahing about steals and deals. I just got an ad insisting that they’d find me the most “flattering” holiday dress, and I had to laugh and roll my eyes. I frequently have these questions — when they talk about swimsuits and hiding “trouble” spots, but what does “flattering” really mean? To supplement what’s already there? To augment or enhance what isn’t there? Is a flattering dress one that doesn’t show all of my flaws… a dress that doesn’t show me as I really am?

Should I want that?

The idea of imperfect, irregular, stippled and nonuniform shouldn’t be so repugnant to us — there are few — actually none — of us who are that ideal of physical beauty, but we’ve been airbrushed and perfected until that’s all we seem to see. I’m reminded of Gerard Manley Hopkins’ poem, “Pied Beauty,” and its overwhelming love for all things are blotchy, skewed, and varicolored, so many more asymmetrical, uneven, crooked, misshapen, and lopsided. I’m grateful today for the irregular, which gave me my brother — and myself.

And all of you.

Pied Beauty

~ Gerard Manley Hopkins

Glory be to God for dappled things –
      For skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow;
          For rose-moles all in stipple upon trout that swim;
Fresh-firecoal chestnut-falls; finches’ wings;
        Landscape plotted and pieced –
fold, fallow, and plough;
            And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim.

All things counter, original, spare, strange;
          Whatever is fickle, freckled (who knows how?)
            With swift, slow; sweet, sour; adazzle, dim;
He fathers-forth whose beauty is past change:
        Praise him.

{thanksful: 27 – love & spite in equal measure}

The title of this post comes from an Ursula Vernon comment – “I was alive, and I am still alive, and since I am not inclined to die just yet, I will keep going. Out of love and spite, in equal measure.” Love and spite, in equal measures.

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Architecture and luck, in equal measures.

This made me wonder how much of my life was balanced between such unlike things; love and spite. Persistence and schadenfreude. Sturm und drang. Lately, I’ve been thinking about my religious upbringing, and how much that was based on meekness and obedience… and how much those two things aren’t actually the entirety of my character. There is a such thing as being too meekly obliging, too blindly obedient. I have been those things, too. And I find myself wondering what a faith practice looks like that isn’t blind and silent, like justice is purported to be. If Justice took off the blinders and spoke, what would that be like?

It feels like the whole world is poised to change. I could have done without 2016, in so, so many ways… but I guess I’m grateful to be witnessing this time in history, a time of love and spite, in fact, ebbing and surging, each day, in waves. Like a living pendulum, act and reaction are sloshing each back and forth, and change is being made.

{thanksful: 26 – going on}

Someone posted a cartoon recently that said, “Welcome to Hell,” and showed a little character choosing between two boxes: Keeping Informed With the News, and Protecting One’s Mental Health. Yep. Welcome to hell, because both of those are necessary, and neither is something we can afford to pass up.

I’ve been grateful before that our congregation has a community service arm which feeds about five hundred families a month, but I feel like I’ve always been too focused on me/mine in terms of community. Today, we are grateful to be able to send coveralls and gas masks to Standing Rock, to fund the Flint Water project, to donate to the ACLU and the Southern Poverty Law Center. But, I’m now trying to think what I can do besides send small amounts of money.

The phrase “social justice” has been bandied about religious groups for years, but it wasn’t until we were involved with USF when Tech Boy was doing his first master’s degree that we really understood what it is to have a religious organization involved in protests and getting arrested. (The university president, at the time, was arrested. It was one of several times for him.) I’m grateful – in a roundabout way, because I would really rather that these last two months wouldn’t have gone the way they have – for the push that a lot of religious groups are getting, to coalesce what they believed were amorphous beliefs, and to put their actions where their mouths have always led them. I’m grateful for the painful, skeptical, horrible process of values formation and clarification that this is having on all of us.

{thanksful: 24 – left alone}

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Beautiful art in the neighborhood earlier this month.

Probably wrong of me to be filled with affection and grateful for my guests …after they’ve left. After hours of work last night and today, the house is again clean, and I. am. so. tired. Who knew a three-year-old and glitter would be so much work? (Answer: EVERYONE)

WARNING: Introvert crash.

One new thing I found was Cousin Mary Lee’s December lantern-light haiku project; that sounds worth doing. Though I may not be able to participate daily, it is such good practice. Lifting the light above our heads strengthens our arms, so we can push back strongly against the dark.

{thanksgiving: 24 – mi familia loca}

Well, the table was beautiful.

I kept feeling like I was playing house while Rome burned, but the table was beautiful.

It was a good day. Sober — we all felt Rome’s flames — but we have much for which to be grateful. Friends – new ones we just met today, around the table – old friends back in touch. Today, we told each other how grateful we were to be here for each other.

Today we also thought about the people in North Dakota, freezing and being water cannoned, and hoped that because today the people torturing them are having a holiday, that they got a break. We know that the temps are plunging, and we prayed for them at table, that the coveralls and blankets we sent arrived before the freeze. That they could hold on. That the water cannons would stop. That justice would roll like a mighty river…

Some sad news was shared today — our friends from Mexico City, Tech Boy’s coworkers, who have been working on getting their green card, and have passed all the paperwork and were just waiting for the actual card in the mail — are leaving. They don’t want their daughter to grow up and have the light of joy extinguished from her by hate. This breaks our hearts, but we understand too well. So, we celebrated today, because our dinners together are limited.

Today was definitely bittersweet, because we were all mindful of losses, even as we were grateful. But, there were lighter moments, too. You guys, today, my Dad showed up for Thanksgiving, and he hasn’t in about eight years. Holy crow. Granted, the call of the NFL was strong, and he left after a couple of hours, but STILL. That’s pretty huge for him, and I appreciated the gesture.

We got out the coloring books. We got out the sun-catcher kits. We got out the glitter. My favorite moment was watching my nephew standing, stock still, in the middle of the kitchen, clutching a book, reading… while people ate pie and chit-chatted in the next room, while they rinsed dishes and loaded the dishwasher behind him. He was right in the middle of everything, ignoring all of us.

That’s my boy. And this weird little group of people are my people. And, though we aren’t always on the same page, for them I am truly thankful.

{thanksful: 23: a political act}

I have a list of things left to do: make the sausage bites, roast the beets, sauteé the shallots for the greens, move the kitchen table into the dining room, put in the dining room table leaf, set the table. The last line of my To-Do list is a reminder to put a POLITICS FREE ZONE! sign up on the front door. My mother is bringing guests whom we don’t know, otherwise, we wouldn’t bother. My family never, ever talks about politics.

I’ve always assumed that’s because we all believed alike. And, having said that, I have a friend whose parents proudly voted for the reality-TV candidate this year, and they were a bit caught off guard when all was said and done. I don’t envy them their dinnertime discussions this holiday.

When we don’t talk about our realities, when we assume a great deal, in families, we end up… surprised. I think my parents had a great many assumptions about me, growing up. None of who they thought I was is who I turned out to be. So, maybe I shouldn’t make assumptions.

And, maybe I should… take that sign off the door.

This year, I thought my biggest job would be trying to make things… normal. I know we’re very much NOT in normal times, but my mind was in making things as smooth and lovely as possible, because everything has been – and continues to be, round the clock, people – so. very. awful. Bake more pies! Make more pasta! Buy nicer napkin rings! Trowel that spackle on! Paper over the cracks!

…but, that’s not going to work, either in my family, nor in the national conversation. So, maybe this year, instead of standing at the head of the table and asking everyone what they’re thankful for, I should ask them what they’re going to do to pass the blessing on. No, we don’t “earn” our blessings, and grace is favor unmerited, but we’re not worth the carbon we’re made of, if we’re not passing them on.

Gratitude is a political act. And, I’m grateful to be able to use my hands and my heart to spread my privilege around.

{thanksful: 22 – stories in time}

“There are books full of great writing that don’t have very good stories. Read sometimes for the story… don’t be like the book-snobs who won’t do that. Read sometimes for the words–the language. Don’t be like the play-it-safers who won’t do that. But when you find a book that has both a good story and good words, treasure that book.”
― Stephen King

I’m sometimes a little frustrated that it takes me so long to read critically… I read like a child denied sugar eats butterscotch – I crunch down books in great mouthfuls and it’s occasionally disgraceful. But, I love reading…

I’m grateful for Summer in Orcus, which is a story about a girl seeking her heart’s desire, and going on a grand adventure to find what that might be — even though it’s not quite what she thinks she’s meant to be looking for.

I’m pretty fond of The Hero(ine)’s Journey in its various permutations; this story is even more fun because it’s serial, and because there are puns, and everyone hates them. This makes me laugh about as much as Terry Pratchett’s containing protest against mimes and accordion music.

After food and shelter, stories, says Philip Pullman, are the things we need the most in this world. Some of us run on the stories we tell ourselves. A story is the fire in our personal hearth, keeping our world safe and cozy. So – I’m off to my bed with a book, like I am every evening. I’m so grateful for the privilege.

{thanksful: 21 – new}

When we moved back to the US, everyone was very kind and helped us get set up into housekeeping — after five years away, we’d sold our house, sold our cars, and had to start over. This meant that we got a lot of hand-me-downs… not mad about that; my whole life as youngest of the first group of sibs meant I had everyone’s old everythings… but there’s something to be said for deciding – finally – that the sewing machine your mother gave you, the one she made your wedding suit with – can go by the wayside, and you can buy a new one with a computer in it, because it’s about what your Mom paid for her old one sometime in 1979.

It’s indecent to be this excited about a sewing machine. But, I am. Today has not been a good day in the news cycle, so I am grateful for One Good Thing. And looking forward to taking it out of the box.

Hope is a thing with stitches.