{haiku: the god-of-probability poem}

I am honored to know people who are intelligent. Fellow Poetry Princess, Liz, has salon evenings at her house – guests full of good food and good thoughts, sitting down to discuss things. They watch a TED talk or read an article beforehand, and just show up to share.

In college, we had book club salons every Friday night – but that was expected. It was college, after all, the place where we talked endlessly, trying to clarify and form our values, and determine what was important to us. Older now, the need for clarity is still there, but it’s amazing how few people recognize the need within them still to think and talk things out.

This is why I am grateful for my Logophile friends – that circle of wordlovers who bring pieces of prose and poetry our attention. I pondered a poem by Jacqueline Berger yesterday for hours, challenging myself on some lazy thinking and stale beliefs. I read up on probability, and wondered whether I’d ever seriously considered it as part of my life (ironic, as much as I use the word “random”). Simple chance? That’s not the Divine guidance I was raised to believe in – and yet, aren’t at least some things truly aleatory? (I love that word. There’s also aleatory music!) My response haiku answers some questions, and asks yet more – and though I’ve not yet reached a conclusion, I am appreciating the journey.

the god-of-probability

god breathes, milkweeds disperse–

♥ – for Jules, who shared the poem, and Y2, who this week wrote about belief.