A few more markets

Black Gate is currently seeking submissions of heroic fantasy. Clarkesworld Magazine, which is also accepting queries for non-fiction and ART *coughs* will publish anything within the SFF/horror genre, but they have a loooong list of what they call “a hard sell.” I’m still snickering over the fact that stories about talking cats AND talking swords are not on their list. Darn.

Check out the IdentityTheory — a neat title if you like philosophy.

Cricket Online Review dropped me an email the other day. I’d never heard of them, but they’re reading for their next literary ‘zine, and have this to say about who they are:

CRICKET ONLINE REVIEW e-publishes high quality literature attuned to life’s continuum. Intent on presenting the kinetic world at motion through innovative story, powerful language, and progressive structure, COR exposes new and established writers, experimental and formal.

Submission guidelines here.